Merle EmrichNov 3The Kitchen Herbarium: Pumpkin Soup with MugwortConsidered a magical plant across continents, mugwort has many uses as a medicinal herb as well as in the kitchen and beyond.
Merle EmrichSep 22The Kitchen Herbarium: Elderberry TonicBoth cursed and sacred, the elder tree has a track record in folklore, folk medicine, and beyond—including food.
Merle EmrichAug 25The Kitchen Herbarium: Basil LemonadePesto, love spells, cures for stomach cramps, lemonade - discover the many uses of basil and learn how to make refreshing basil lemonades.
Merle EmrichJul 14The Kitchen Herbarium: Lemon and Thyme CakeDiscover the medicinal and cultural uses of thyme, and learn how to bake a delicious lemon and thyme cake.
Maggie TaherMay 5Pasta With Spinach SauceMaggie—who sometimes cooks—shares her recipe for pasta with spinach sauce, grilled chicken, and roasted peppers.
Maggie TaherMar 25Pasta With Carrot SauceMaggie (who sometimes cooks) shares a recipe for carrot sauce pasta.
Maggie TaherFeb 11Foul, Falafel and FriesFoul, falafel, and fries... Maggie—who sometimes cooks—showcases her take on the most traditional Egyptian meal!