Merlo Rosso
As the day cools and dusk falls, a blackbird watches the life in the streets below him; his mind lost in memories of a life long ago.
Merlo Rosso
In Embers
The Couple of Jericho Road 830
Hawthorn and Magpie
The Feeling of Safety
Erasing Dan
The Marcson Merger
The Murdered Generation
Burya 4: Chapter 5
"Aren't You Scared of the Iron-Eater?": The Mycelocene (4)
Anthropocena of the Ice
Awake/ Asleep: Part 4 Act I
The Changeover: The Mycelocene (3)
"In the Name of Extractivism, We Collapse": The Mycelocene (1)
The Last Judgment
Out of the Deep
Burya 4: Chapter 4